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€299,99 €349,99

Roborock F25 LT Märkä-kuivaimuri

Kirjoita arvostelu

€299,99 €349,99

Vain jäljellä varastossa - tilaa pian.

Loppu varastosta, tulossa pian!

Vain 7 jäljellä varastossa - tilaa pian.

Translation missing: fi.products.product.tips.wrong

Translation missing: fi.products.product.tips.used

Translation missing: fi.products.product.tips.expired

Translation missing: fi.products.product.tips.blank

Translation missing: fi.products.product.tips.not_start

Translation missing: fi.products.product.tips.invalid

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ILMAINEN palautus
Voit palauttaa tai vaihtaa Roborock-imurin mistä tahansa syystä 30 päivän kuluessa toimituksesta.
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Kaikilla Roborockin tuotteilla on kahden vuoden takuu.
24/7 tuki
Voit soittaa numeroon 358-0800-05734 tai lähettää sähköpostia osoitteeseen support-fi@roborock-eu.com


Points can only be obtained when placing an order after having registered and logged in.

30 Roborock Points = $1 discount

Register your account to receive 100 points
Buy now or select products and add them to cart
Redeem points and make your payment
Receive bonus points after shipping your products
Register your account to receive 100 points
Buy now or select products and add them to cart
Receive bonus points after shipping your products
Redeem points and make your payment

1.The points credit pop-up window only shows the maximum redeemable points for the current order.

2.The threshold for deducting points: The number of points in a user’s account must be ≥ 450. You can use points to deduct up to 100% of the total price of an order (not including tax, shipping, and insurance).

3.The points discount can be combined with coupons and is calculated based on the price after the coupon discount.

Ways you can earn Roborock points

Register an account: Earn 100 points

Shopping (See the table below):

Shopping Obtaining Points
Placing an Order If the amount paid for an entire product = the MSRP of that entire product, then the number of points awarded will be 1.2 times that amount
If the amount paid for an entire product < the MSRP of that entire product, then the number of points awarded will be 1 times that amount
If the amount paid for an accessory ≤ the MSRP of that accessory, then the number of points awarded will be 1 times that amount
If the amount paid for an extended warranty ≤ the MSRP of that extended warranty, then the number of points awarded will be 1 times that amount

* All points you gained during the current year are valid until December 31 at 11:59:59 pm PST three years from the current year.

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Use Roborock Points

Total : 0
Note: You can redeem points for up to 100% of the order value each time. Each 30 Roborock points value $1.
Max Available: 0 All Apply
Points applied successfully.
Order Summary
$ 299,99
Roborock Points:
$ -0.00
USD$ 299,99
No points will be used for crediting this payment

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